In 1975, FredBrooks said: I will contend that conceptual integrity is the most important consideration in system design. It is better to have a system omit certain anomalous features and improvements, but to reflect one set of design ideas, than to have one that contains many good but independent and uncoordinated ideas.

Consultancy conceptually integral software consultancy services

Solution Architecture and System Design
Concept integral was born out of a passion for conceptually integral solution architecture and system design.
Agile Project Management
Does your project manager know how to run a project, or do they merely know how a project is run?
Equity Finance
Securities lending, stock borrow loan, firm financing, business resource management, call it what you will, it's our bread and butter.

Solutions conceptually integral software solutions

My Nut Pile
Retirement Income Pontification... When will I be able to retire? What level of income can I expect in retirement? When will I run out of money?

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How much is a pint?
How much is a pint? Ale, Stout or Lager... how much does a good old British pint really cost?

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Armchair sports fans
RESTful services to view, download and create calendar subscriptions to sporting action on TV, radio and online.

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Strava data
RESTful services to view and download your personal Strava activity data in a more friendly manner.

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About the conceptually integral people

Martin Keys

